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WP Super Cache Plugin

Last modified: June 28, 2022
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WP Super Cache Plugin

Installing a WP-Super-Cache, which can be accomplished under plugins, is one way to optimize WordPress.

Suggested Settings

To use the recommended settings, please finish all four (4) steps.

Step 1 : Set General Settings

On the “Advanced” tab:

  • Check box next to “Cache hits to this website…”
  • The select button next to “Use mod_rewrite to serve cache files”
  • “Cache rebuild” & “Extra homepage checks” should already be checked, leave them that way.
  • Select the “Update Status” button.

Step 2: Set Mod_Rewrite Rules

Then, scroll down and select “Update Mod_Rewrite Rules” in the yellow box.

Step 3: Set Garbage Collection

Scroll down to “Expiry Time & Garbage Collection” and enter “3600” in the box, then select “Change Expiration”

Step 4: Set Rejected User Agents

It is suggested that you do not remove default user agents from the list to avoid bots from caching contents and websites usually not seen by your tourists.

Use mod_rewrite to serve cache files

The fastest caching method uses mod_rewrite rules in the client’s .htaccess file

Compress Pages

The WP Super Cache Plugin compresses and saves documents such that substantial compression can be achieved just once. Compared to uncompressed html, these files are typically smaller and sent to a visitor’s browser significantly faster. As a result, the server spends less time discussing the network, using less CPU resources and bandwidth while also responding to subsequent requests much more quickly.

304 Not Modified browser caching

Indicates to the client’s browser whether a requested file has been modified or not.

Don’t cache pages for known users

This prevents logged-in users from being served cached pages and is the default for almost every caching plugin out there.

Expiry Time & Garbage Collection

Documents that are cached by default should be removed after 1 hour (3600 seconds). If you don’t frequently refresh your material on sites with few posts (1,000 or less), you can increase this setting. Making a reduced environment between 1800 and 1900 can be more practical if you have a large quantity of messages.

Rejected User Agents

In order to prevent bots from caching content and pages that are not typically seen by your visitors, it is advised against removing the default user agents from the list. (For example, if you have a calendar, a human visitor will only be able to browse the months immediately around it, but a machine will index it for each month as if it were a separate website.

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