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Webmail / Redirection Issue

Last modified: June 22, 2022
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Do not be concerned if you are experiencing problems with Webmail or redirection. We shall explore and explain the problem in this article.

The account conversion to the OX Webmail design from the Roundcube interface design is the primary cause of this issue. For your reference, the OX Webmail design is also known as “EE Lite”. On the 29th of October, 2014, the IPXcess System provider sent out notifications about the move.

If you have not yet received these notifications, click this link to view the content: Logic Boxes Mailer. When you access your Webmail, you will see our previous UI. After inputting your login details, it will redirect you to our OX Webmail design.

We’re switching to the new EE light Webmail mostly because of Roundcube. Webmail is nearing the end of its useful life. However, there were numerous flaws with Roundcube that could not be fixed. Clients gain a number of new features with this new OX Webmail style. Calendars, Contacts, and Social Integration are among the features available (with Twitter, Facebook, etc.).

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