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View e-mail message HEADERS

Last modified: June 23, 2022
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What is Header?

Horde — Webmail

  1. Firstly, log into Horde Webmail
  2. Then, open the email message.

  3. Click the “Message Source” link in the text menu at the top of the message.

  4. Lastly, a new window with the full message and header will open.

Outlook 2019

  1. Firstly, open Outlook 2019.
  2. Secondly, select the email message for which you’d like to view the headers.
  3. Click on File > Properties and go to Properties.

4. The new window contains the headers.

Outlook 2007

  1. Open Outlook 2007.
  2. Open the email message.
  3. Select the Dialog Box Launcher icon under the Message tab’s Options group.
  4. The Internet headers box in the Message Options dialogue box displays the headers.

Outlook 2000, 2002 and 2003

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Double-click to open the email in a new windows.
  3. From the the message’s menu, select View > Options.

4. All header lines appear under Internet Headers at the bottom of the dialog box.

Outlook Express

  1. Open Outlook Express.
  2. Next, Choose Properties by right-click on the message.
  3. Select the Message Source Button under the Details tab.

Mozilla Thunderbird

  1. Firstly, open Thunderbird.
  2. Next, double-click to open the email message.
  3. Select View > Headers then choose All.
  4. The headers should be immediately displayed.
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