What is TreeSize Free?
To topAn effective software tool for viewing hard drive space use is called Treesize Free. This programme makes it simple to look into the reasons behind a computer or file server’s declining disc space. In fact, you can see right away which files and subfolders are utilising the most hard drive space.
This utility can be run directly from the Start menu or by right-clicking a specific folder. After that, you may scan the hard drive or folders to see all folders and subfolders in an Explorer-like view and get detailed information about each subfolder’s size.
You can download TreeSize Free through HERE.
Program version:
To topFree V2.4
OS supported:
To topMicrosoft Windows 2000/2003/2008/XP/Vista/7, including the server and 64Bit editions.
To topFreeware
Here is how to install TreeSize Free:
To topStep 1
Firstly, unzip the Tree Size.ZIP file.
Step 2
After that, import Tree Size Free.vsa file.
Step 3
Lastly, run Tree Size Free from Start – Tree Size Free – Menu or from a right-click on the Explorer

TreeSize- a Disk Space Management For Windows, Amazon S3 and via SSH for Unix and Linux Servers