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SECURITY ALERT: Website Defacement on Joomla

Last modified: July 2, 2022
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Numerous signals concerning website vandalism on Joomla websites were sent to our security staff.

In order to prevent website defacement, we would like to suggest the following precautions to you:

1) Update your Joomla parts every now and then. Track down the most recent rendition HERE.

2) Do not introduce more seasoned Joomla subjects/parts/addons on fresher a Joomla rendition. Albeit the Joomla framework is permitted to do so we don’t suggest such establishments (e.g you have Joomla 2.5 yet introduce a Joomla part for variant 2.3).

3) Remove or Delete any unused Joomla parts or additional items.

4) Change the Joomla default head username with another username. Default username: “administrator”.

5) Change your Joomla head secret key on an intermittent premise. Suggested: when consistently.

6) Make sure all the File authorizations are right. Record’s Permission: 644 while Folder’s consent: 755. Concerning the “Configuration.php” document, change authorization to 444.

7) Back up your Joomla on an occasional premise. Suggested: no less than once consistently.

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