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How to Manage databases and database users in Plesk

Last modified: July 2, 2022
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Estimated reading time: 1 min

Managing Databases

Creating Database

1. Firstly, log in to Plesk.

2. In the left sidebar, click Databases. The Databases page appears.

3. Then, click Add Database. The Add a Database page appears.

4. Next, type the database name that you want to use in the Database name text box.

5. In the Database server list box, select the type of database you want to create.

6. In the Related site list box, select a site to associate with the new database, or accept the default value.

7. To create a user for the database, under Users, select the Create a database user check box.

8. Then, type the username that you want to use in the Database user name text box.

9. After that, type a password for the database user in the New password and Confirm password text boxes .

10. Lastly, click OK.

Deleting Database

1. Firstly, log in to Plesk.

2. Secondly, click Databases in the left sidebar. The Databases page appears.

3. In the section for the database that you want to remove, click Remove Database.

4. Lastly, click Yes to confirm database removal.

Managing Users

Adding a User to Database

1. Firstly, log in to Plesk.

2. Next, click Databases in the left sidebar.

3. Click User Management. The Database Users page appears.

4. Then, click Add Database User. The Adding Database User page appears.

5. In the Database server list box, select the type of database the new user will be assigned to.

6. In the Database user name text box, type the username that you want to use.

7. After that, type a password for the database user in the New password and Confirm password text boxes.

8. In the Database list box, select a database to assign the new user to, or accept the default.

9. Lastly, click OK. Plesk adds the user to the specified database.

Managing Database User Privileges

1. Firstly, log in to Plesk.

2. Then, click Databases. The Databases page appears in the left sidebar.

3. Click User Management.

4. Then, click the name of the database user you want to manage.

5. To change the database user’s password, in the New password and Confirm password text boxes, type a password for the database user.

6. After that, select a database in the Database list box to change the database to which the user is assigned.

7. To change the database user’s privileges for the selected database, in the Role list box select an access level.

8. Lastly, click OK. Plesk updates the user’s privileges for the database.

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