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How to Add new Domain Alias in cPanel

Last modified: June 28, 2022
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What is Domain Alias?

Popular Linux-based web hosting control panel called cPanel. On a single Virtual Private Server (VPS) or dedicated server, it offers a graphical user interface that makes managing and hosting several websites simple. Using this programme, you may carry out a variety of operations (uploading files, producing emails, making cron jobs, managing databases, etc.).

Users can control their web hosting through the user-level access interface offered by cPanel. Users can manage settings pertaining to server administration and account management through the root and reseller level access interface provided by WHM (Web Host Manager).

How to Add new Domain Alias in cPanel

    1. Firstly, login to cPanel.
    2. Secondly, click on Aliases.
    3. Next, enter the new domain and click “Add Domain”.
    4. That’s it! Now when someone browses to example.net, they’ll automatically be redirected to example.com.
    5. Lastly, make sure to set your domain alias’s DNS settings to the same as your main domain, so the redirection will work properly.

Remove Domain Aliases

    1. Firstly, login to cPanel.
    2. Next, click on Aliases.
    3. Scoll down to the “Remove Aliases” section.
    4. Then click on “Remove” under the Actions column.
    5. Lastly, confirm again and click “Remove Alias”.

Enable or Disable Alias Redirection

    1. Firstly, log into cPanel.
    2. Next, click on Aliases.
    3. Click Manage Redirection for the alias that you want to manage.
    4. Enter the link you wish to redirect the domain alias in the text box to redirect the domain.
    5. Or click Disable Redirection to stop your alias from redirecting to other page.
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