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How can I check my domain’s expiration date?

Last modified: July 2, 2022
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How can I check my domain’s expiration date?

Here you can readily check the expiry date of your domain:-

How to Perform a WHOIS Search?

A web-based WHOIS service is the most practical approach to look up a domain’s WHOIS information. You may run a WHOIS search on your domain name using a variety of web resources, all of which are openly available and cost nothing.

You can utilise either the ICANN WHOIS engine or the one offered by Internet Toolbox if your domain name happens to have a.com/.org/.biz/.info/.us/.net extension.

The official DENIC WHOIS tool can be used to view the expiration date of a domain name that ends in.DE. Please utilise NOMINET for.UK domain names. .CA names should use CIRA.

How to Check the Expiration Date through the AwardSpace Control Panel?

If you own a domain name that is registered or hosted with AwardSpace, you can easily check its expiration date:

  1. Sign in to your Awardspace account.
  2. Go to the Domain Manager section and click on your domain name.
  3. Open the Information tab.

The expiration date of your domain will be displayed next to its name (as shown above).

It is crucial to note that we gave every domain name in our system an earlier expiration date. For instance, the expiration date for a domain registered on May 6th would be May 1st in your AwardSpace Control Panel (while the actual expiry date would remain 6th of May). To offer our clients more time to renew their domain registration and prevent a domain lapse, we will be taking five days off.

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