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Free SSL in cPanel

Last modified: June 28, 2022
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What is AutoSSL?

Because it automatically instals and renews cPanel/Sectigo certificates for each domain in cPanel, AutoSSL is a WHM/cPanel solution activated by default in your hosting account.

AutoSSL automatically examines each domain and, if necessary, instals new cPanel/Sectigo certificates or renews those that are already in place.

Through cPanel > SSL/TLS Status, you can quickly verify, manage, or omit a particular domain from AutoSSL.

How to enable AutoSSL / Free SSL in cPanel

  1. Login to cPanel and select SSL/TLS Status.

2. Next, select Run AutoSSL.

3. You may have to wait for 1 hour for the free SSL installation. Make sure to check the “+ Include during AutoSSL” under the chosen domain/subdomain in the list of domains.

How To Install Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate in cPanel

  1. Firstly, access your website cPanel using http://yourdomain.com:2083 or http://yourdomain.com/cpanel
  2. Under the Security section, click on Let’s Encrypt SSL icon. *Contact your hosting provider if you cannot find the Let’s Encrypt SSL icon.
  3. Next, click on ” +Issue “ for the domain you want to secure under Issue a new certificate section.
  4. Then, tick the options for your domain name (non-www and www) and mail server (mail.domainname.com). Choose http-01 as the validation method.
  5. Lastly, click the Issue button when everything is done. The following message will be displayed after the installation is successful: – The SSL certificate is now installed onto the domain “yourdomain.com” using the IP address. Apache is restarting in the background. –
  6. Your website will be accessible with https:// in seconds!
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