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Exchange Mail Size

Last modified: July 2, 2022
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Microsoft Exchange Mail Size

I.T. services across the country are primarily focused on email assistance. The size of emails in Microsoft’s Exchange server is important to the company since it affects bandwidth, storage limits, email queues, CPU use, and mailbox capacity.

In addition, the email message size that you’re trying to set should be 33 percent greater than the actual message size. If you want to allow 30 M.B. Exchange mail size, for example, the message size parameter should be set to 43 M.B. This is due to the fact that it employs Base64 encoding, which raises the message size to 33 percent of the original.

The following is the order in which the email size restriction for user mailboxes will apply:

  • Firstly, Global Transport configuration settings.
  • Second, impose a connector size limit.
  • Thirdly, there is a size restriction on connectors.
  • Finally, there is a send and receive size limit in the user mailbox attributes.

IT service providers should be aware that depending on the application, you can also control this value in the Exchange Server configuration file.

  1. Exchange Web Service (EWS)
  2. Outlook Web Access (OWA)
  3. ActiveSync

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If the upper order is more limiting, it will take precedence over the lower order. For example, if the send connection size is 100MB and the Global Transport setting is 10MB, the send connector size will be 10MB. As a result, the user will not send any emails that are larger than 10 megabytes.

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