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Create Auto-Responder in SmarterMail

Last modified: June 28, 2022
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How to create an Auto-Responder in SmarterMail

1. Firstly, login to your SmarterMail account.

2. Secondly, click on the down arrow button to scroll down in the left navigation toolbar if the Settings icon is not visible.

3. Next, under My Settings click on the AutoResponder option.

4. Then, make sure to enable your autoresponder by checking the Enable Autoresponder checkbox.

5. You can modify how you want the autoresponder to behave under Options section.

    • Disable responses to indirect mail – prevent the autoresponder from responding to email that is not directly addressed to you (for instance, an email where you are listed in the CC: field)
    • Limit responses to once daily – prevent the same sender from being sent an auto-response more than once a day

6. Next, now click on the Auto-Responder Message tab. Enter a Subject and Message content for your autoresponder email.

7. Latly, click on the Save button.

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