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Check Mail Queue in cPanel/WHM

Last modified: July 2, 2022
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What is Mail Queue?

The SMTP server’s Mail Queue is a directory where mail messages delivered by the sendmail command are stored and managed. To prevent sending too many messages from the same server at once, which may result in IP reputation concerns, mail queues are generated when the SMTP server has many email messages queued up waiting to be delivered. With WHM, you may control the mail queue on your server and take steps like forcing delivery, clearing out the backlog, or reviewing the content of emails.

First, log in to the WHM control panel.

Next, navigate to the Mail Queue Manager section.

You’ll now see a list of all emails currently in the mail queue, as long as a search tool for searching through emails that are in the mail queue.

Removing emails from mail queue

From time to time you may wish to remove emails from the email queue, for example, if they’re troublesome or unnecessary.

To remove an email (or multiple emails), from the email queue, first of all, find the email you wish to delete, and then click the tick box beside it.

Finally, click Delete Selected to remove the emails from the mail queue.

Delivering emails from mail queue

Emails will be automatically delivered from the email queue after a certain amount of time, however, you can manually force delivery of specified emails from the mail queue as well.

As before, locate the emails you want to deliver, and then tick the tick boxes for them.

Once you have the emails selected, click Deliver Selected to attempt delivery for those emails.

How to Check Mail Queue in cPanel

This guide will shows you how to check Mail Queue in cPanel/WHM. However, We suggest users to install and use a mail tool called “ConfigServer Mail Queues“ for an effective Mail queue tool.
  1. Firstly, log in to cPanel/WHM.
  2. Secondly, Go to Main >> Email >> Mail Queue Manager.
  3. You check and manage (Delete or Deliver Now) your messages in the Exim Mail Queue section.
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