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Azure Pack : Plesk Port Rules

Last modified: July 2, 2022
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Azure Pack: Plesk Port Rules

These settings apply for Plesk Port Rules Single Virtual Network to Single VM

If Multiple VM needs same services enabled to the internet use the RDC example in tutorial “Azure RDC, 1 network or more” for guideline. Where the source port needs to change but destination port remains.


ftp-data (TCP)20
ftp (TCP)21
ssh (TCP)22
smtp (TCP)25
dns (TCP and UDP)53
http (Web server and Plesk updater) (TCP)80
poppassd (for localhost only) (TCP)106
pop3 (TCP)110
auth (TCP)113
imap (TCP)143
https (TCP)443
smtps (TCP)465
mail message submission (TCP)587
ftps (TCP)990
imaps (TCP)993
pop3s (TCP)995
mssql (TCP) – Windows Only1433
mysql (TCP)3306
rdp (TCP) – Windows Only3389
(outgoing connections only) plesk-license-update (TCP)5224
postgres (TCP) – Linux Only5432
plesk migration agent (TCP) – Windows Only6489
sqladmin (TCP) – Windows Only8401
plesk-https (TCP)8443
autoinstaller (TCP)8447
plesk-http (TCP)8880
SmarterMail (TCP)9998
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