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2 Steps For Your Linux VPS Server To Reboot Using Command Line

Last modified: July 2, 2022
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Estimated reading time: 1 min

As far as we are aware, rebooting a Linux VPS server is not very frequent. We were also aware that rebooting a VPS is sometimes necessary and essential for the system’s continued operation. There are several ways to restart the server, including using cPanel or Plesk. In cPanel, there are options for various reboot types.

For the purposes of this post, we will just cover how to reboot the server using command lines in 2 simple steps.

Step 1: Log in with SSH

As mentioned, the first step entails utilising SSH with root access to log in. In addition to requiring root access for the server reboot, this is done to make the process more secure.

Step 2: Reboot

Open your terminal, then type in the command as followed.


After entering the command, your server should be able to begin rebooting. The output you should be able to see on the terminal should be similar to this.

root@server [~]# reboot
root@server [~]#
Broadcast message from root@server-hostname
(/dev/pts/0) at 12:30 …
The system is going down for reboot NOW!

Do note that the server will log you out during the server reboot so that it is necessary to reconnect after the reboot to run more commands.

Extra: Request reboot from hosting provider

Keep in mind that you can always ask your hosting company to restart your server. When you do, kindly get in touch with the technical support team and let them know exactly when and type of reboot of your VPS.

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