If you’ve reached a stage in your business when you believe you should switch from shared or virtual private server hosting to dedicated hosting, this article may be helpful. Selecting a Dedicated Hosting Server is a difficult undertaking. Dedicated servers are costly, and you don’t want to make a hasty business choice.
We’ve compiled a list of critical aspects to consider before purchasing a dedicated server so you can make an informed decision.
Operating System: If you’re utilising an open source stack like Apache/php/mysql (LAMP) or Ruby On Rails, go with a Linux server. A Microsoft Windows Dedicated Server is required if you want to host ASP.NET code, MS SQL Server, or use Microsoft IIS.
RAM Space: Powerful technology stacks such as Windows, Java, and/or Ruby will necessitate a server with enough of RAM.
Performance and Bandwidth: Multi-processor servers, such as dual Xeon servers, may be required for specialised applications such as game or chat servers. Choose a host service with good speed and performance if you plan to host video, photos, and other files.

Business Requirements
Your industry or activities may necessitate some unique criteria. Here are a few things to think about:
- Recovery from a disaster.
- Secure access to dedicated servers and data integrity are important in e-commerce.
- File management for large/heavy files.
- Security measures including Firewalls, DDoS protection, and the ability to set up a VPN.
It’s critical to look into a web host’s pricing policies before making a decision:
- Price per month: Is the tariff included in the price?
- Fees for software licencing: Examine the cost of licencing a proprietary operating system, database, or visualisation software.
- Upgrades and parts costs are as follows: You’ll have to pay extra for additional RAM, storage, or hard drives. Before you make a decision, compare these pricing.
- Downtime costs: When it comes to this industry, the dangers of downtime cannot be avoided. Before deciding on a supplier, make sure you consider the cost of hardware failure as well as the risk to your business.
Most web hosts will assist you with your business. Accept nothing less than 24x7x365 support.
Your web host should be approachable via phone and e-mail at the very least.
Panel of Control
While many hosting companies have their own control panels, it’s better to go with one that uses a well-known panel like cPanel, WHM, or Plesk so that you don’t have any problems migrating your websites.
Before you buy a dedicated server, evaluate your web hosting service and use this as a checklist.