It is great idea to start hosting your game server but it is important to populate your server to
wider your business regardless you are hosting a game server with VPS or dedicated server. The hardest things in order to populate the server is to maintain the
quality and grow the server. In order to populate your server and avoid fail to maintain the
quality of the game server, there are few things need to do before or after you host your
game server.
Avoid Admin Abuse
It is extremely important to take action for the case of admin abuse because that behavior
can ruin your server in no time. With the admin abuse behavior present, the server will
collapse and abandon due to abuser give a bad impression to the players and let them no
longer to play this server and spread toxic message in social media. Especially for the new
players, they are just join and will abuse by admins which behavior make them disappointed
about the server and there will not have a chance to let them playing the server anymore
and cause the server degrow and even abandoned.
With a good admin player in the server, they will help the server owner to manage and settle
the problems that faced in the server. By choose the right admin, it is important to give the
server privilege to the right admin. Since, the game server owner must be know and choose
carefully for the right admin.
Active, Friendly and Responsive Admin
Be respect, active and friendly is important for the server owner and admin to make a good
quality of the server. Always respect to the player to make them happily to play your game
server. It is also recommend that to setup email or a forum for the player to use. This way is
for the players to give the feedback and complain something that need to improve in order
to make a good game server. By choosing the right admin is also important for making a
good impression of the server and make sure the admin are able to respect the player.
Good Server Performance
In order to achieve a good server performance, you must make sure that your server has
maintain a low ping and latency and 99% of uptime is a must for the server. It is important
when enlarge your game server’s popularity in order to let the global player to play your
server. By letting the global player to play your game server, it is suggest that you purchase
the server hosting service like VPS hosting or dedicated server hosting.
If your are looking for improving your server performance with cheapest way, it is good idea
for purchasing the VPS hosting plan. The VPS hosting for server will have much more
advantage that the server can enjoy some powerful server resources and it was 24/7 uptime
that meet the requirement for growing the server.
If you want to make your server larger and with good server performance, dedicated server
is the best choice. Dedicated server provide more powerful of the resources for the server
to increase the number of the player inside the server.
Build a Community for Your Game Server
It even harder to implement but this way is good for improve your popularity of your server’s fans. Thsi is the way to enlarge the game server popularity by building a community for your server. For example, you can create a Discord server for the server’s fans to join in and let them able to communicate each other. You can setting up some events, contests and daily reward for the community server and be creative.