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How to Create Appointments in SmarterMail

Last modified: July 2, 2022
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How to Create Appointments in SmarterMail

It is assumed that you are logged into your SmarterMail account before continuing. To make an appointment, follow these steps:
1. Start by clicking the Calendar button in the left navigation toolbar.

2. Next, advance the calendar by one day by clicking the forward arrow. The Daily Appointments view is displayed here. By choosing one of the other calendar view tabs, you can alter the current view.

3. After that, either click the New option to make a new appointment for the current day or choose a time and click the day.

4. Select a Subject and enter here.

5. Let’s choose the attendees for this appointment or meeting next. Go to the Attendees link by clicking. By checking the boxes next to the attendees, you can select them. Then click OK.

6. Select a Start and End date and time.

7, Then, enter the Location information for this appointment.

8. Check the Enable to be sent an Email Notification reminder and select a time for our Reminder.

9. Next, choose a recurring appointment by clicking on the Recurrence Information tab. Click on the Description tab to provide a description for this appointment. Click on the Categories tab to choose a category.

10. Lastly, click on the Save button to save this appointment.

11. Here we can see our new appointment listed. Click on the All Appointments tab. You can select the Daily, Weekly or Monthly tab to view appointments accordingly.

12. Congratulations! You now know how to create Appointments in SmarterMail.

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