Create MySQL Database with cPanel
- Firstly, sign into your Control Panel.
- Then, click on Databases.
- Enter a database name and press Add.
- Lastly, enter a username and password for the database and press Update.
- Your connection is localhost and the username and passwords are what you have specified in the setup. This data is required when a script associate with mySQL server.
Create MySQL Database with Command
For those who are running a Linux server with MySQL but no cPanel, you can use MySQL commands to easily create a MySQL database, database user, password, and assign all privileges to the user for the database.
- Firstly, SSH into your server.
- Secondly, login to MySQL as root user.
- Then, create a new database user with:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'db_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'P@s$w0rd123!';
NOTE: Be sure to replace db_user and P@s$w0rd123! with the actual name and the password to be given to the database user.
- After that, log out of MySQL by typing:
. - Log in as the new database user you just created.
mysql -u db_user -p
Then, type the new database user’s password and press Enter.
Lastly, create a new database:
NOTE: Be sure to modify db_name with the actual name you would like to give the database.
- After that, log out of MySQL by typing: