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How to Install FTP

Last modified: July 2, 2022
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How to Install FTP Server

Let’s first have a look at what a server is before talking about installing an FTP server. In a network system, a server is a centralised PC or server machine that manages and provides internet service to all users connected to it. The server is a machine that serves as a host and is in charge of giving clients services and taking their orders.

Internet Information Services or so-called IIS is an application we use to support web browsing activities. It supports the following protocols; FTP, FTPS, SMTP, NNTP, HTTP. Basically, the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) performs two major functions. By using FTP, one can get a better source for virus detection, access free software programs by downloading them from a remote point. Furthermore, it also helps to secure the data by uploading them to a remote place. File transferring protocol when installing in PC act as an FTP server.

Procedure: Part I

  1. First, click the start button and go to the control panel.
  2. Now select Add / Remove Windows components, you will see Windows Components Wizard.
  3. In components not check rather clicks the Application Servers, Internet Information Services (IIS) and see the details.
  4. By clicking the details you will see Common Files, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Service, and Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager. Check their boxes.
  5. Next, you can check other programs related to the Internet service you need and then click OK.
  6. After clicking OK, a prompt “Next” will come in front of you asking for the installation command.
  7. Locate the file from the program or insert CD.
  8. After the program is installed click Finish.

After the installation of IIS is complete now configure the FTP service before you go for the application.

Procedure: Part II

  1. Run Internet Information Service Manager
  2. You will see server _ name, presently expand it.
  3. FTP Sites are displayed, select default FTP Site
  4. Open FTP’S Site properties.
  5. Go for the Security Accounts.
  6. In the security account tab click the Allow Anonymous Connections.
  7. Select Allow Only Anonymous Connections. At this point, you will configure only anonymous connections.
  8. Open the Home Directory tab.
  9. Look for the Read and Login checkboxes and mark them if not marked already.
  10. Look for the Write check box and clear it if it is marked.
  11. Now click OK. You have done the configuration.
  12. Close all the open windows and quits IIS Manager.
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